Customer Loyalty Graph – What are you doing to move your customers to the right?

Restaurant customer loyalty graph

We look at the new feature in our Restaurant CRM system, the dynamic Restaurant Customer Loyalty Graph.  A Customer Loyalty Graph shows you the degree for which your customers are currently repurchasing from your Restaurant.  It is a great indication that you are providing great food, great value and great experiences.


Restaurant Customer Loyalty Loyal are your Restaurant's customers?What do you do to increase loyalty?How do you measure Restaurant Customer Loyalty?

Posted by Marketing4Restaurants on Monday, 25 March 2019


This is a great way for Restaurants to visualise the effectiveness of their loyalty programs and see the effectiveness of changes that they are implementing.


Why is the Customer Loyalty Graph so important?

There are a couple of ways to increase Long Term Customer Value (LTCV). You can:

  • Increase the amount that each customer purchases.
  • Increase the frequency with which each customer.
  • Increase the number of times that a customer buys from you.

The LTCV dictates how much you can pay to acquire a customer.  Small take outs, like Fish and Chip shops often have very high LTCV because customers can purchase a moderate amount, quite often (weekly) for a long time (often they stay customers until they move!)

Understanding LTCV is the first step in truly understanding customer loyalty.

How to move customers to the right on the Customer Loyalty Graph.

There are a couple of ways to increase loyalty and long-term customer value.

Firstly, there are loyalty programs, like FROLO’s buy X get 1 free meal offerings.  These work well because every email confirmation for an order restates the benefits of loyalty.

Thank you for your 5th order.  You are only 3 orders away from your loyalty discount, which is currently $40.

As customers accrue a higher loyalty discount, they are increasingly likely to order and sometimes order more frequently.

Retargeting is also a useful tactic, either by email, SMS or through Facebook, reminding the customer that they should reorder is a simple tactic to infrequently used.

Bespoke offers to existing customers also another way to make your customers feel special and be increasingly likely to move to the right.

What products feed into the Restaurant Customer Loyalty Graph?

Currently, we are building the Customer Loyalty Graph to support:

FROLO – The Free Restaurant OnLine Ordering system.

FORBS – The Free Online Restaurant Booking System.

Not only do these save money compared to many competitor systems, but they also collect emails and provide a lot of important information about your customers.  The Customer Loyalty Graph is a great way of visualising that information.

As more products are added to the Restaurant CRM Suite, we will add more aspects to the Restaurant Customer Loyalty Graph.

Free Online Restaurant Bbooking System

If you take bookings for your Restaurant, you should ditch the old fashioned book and start taking bookings from your own website. This is one of the quickest ways to build a restaurant marketing database. Taking Restaurant bookings online allows you to take bookings 24 hours a day, cuts down on errors, saves staff time and best of all, it builds your Restaurant Marketing Database. Don’t use an online Restaurant Booking system that charges you to take bookings from your own customers, and never share you customer details with other customers. With our Free Online Restaurant Booking System, taking restaurant bookings online has never been easier, and like FROLO, best of all it’s free.

Our FORBS has taken over $15,000,000 worth of bookings for Restaurants.

Is Poor SEO Killing Your Restaurant?

Too many times we see customers with websites that are costing restaurants thousands of dollars every month through poor design, poor messaging and poor SEO. If your website could be improved to bring in 200 extra visits per month and just 10% of those made a booking, and each booking was for 2.5 seats on average at $50 a seat, you would have an extra $2,500 in revenue a month. A 30% food cost, that is $1,750 in profit extra a month. This ignores those customers coming back as regulars – which is more profit.

Remember, if these customers aren’t finding your Restaurant, they are finding your competitors.

Get one of our obligation free 7 point website SEO audits to see what you can get your web developer to fix to increase your revenue today.