97 – 17 tips for getting great photos for your Restaurant Marketing

Best Restaurant Photos

We discuss (quickly) the power of Linkedin and how it can help you with your Restaurant.  Check out my profile and connect with me to keep up to date with the best tips for Restaurant marketing. 🙂  We then continue our series of podcasts on how to get great photos for your Restaurant.  Getting the best restaurant marketing images can make a difference to your marketing, your websites conversion rate and more importantly, revenue and profit.

Here are our tips for getting the best Restaurant photos

  1. Take a little time.
  2. Make sure that the lighting is good enough for the photos.  Dim lighting is your enemy.
  3. Look at the shadows.
  4. Make sure the lens is clean.  We see too many images with dirty lenses.
  5. Use a tripod when needed.  They are cheap and a mini tripod for your phone camera are very cheap.
  6. Try different types of framing.
  7. Look at the composition of your photos.  Try the rule of thirds.
  8. Be on the lookout for great photos.
  9. Learn how to use your camera.
  10. Learn some of the advanced photography photos.
  11. Don’t use the zoom on a mobile.
  12. Use different perspectives.
  13. Make sure that the background and the framing is correct.  A clean background draws the eye into the food that you want to photo.
  14. Have a think about black and white, sepia or any of the other filters that your camera has.
  15. Use the photos in multiple places.
  16. Have a look at post processing.  Learn how to use a photo editing program.  Try Canva or even the Microsoft Word photo editor.
  17. Take multiple photos.  I am always adjusting settings, backgrounds and framing so that I can get the best possible image.
  18. Unleash your creativity!
  19. Take the damn photo!

Photography is a great way for you to show your creativity, your food and your Restaurant so it is worth the effort to get some of the great images that you need for epic marketing.

For more information on this podcast, check out our show notes.

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