75 – Rinse and repeat.

Hey – Congrats – We just did a week of Restaurant Marketing.

You’ve learned how to do some cool marketing.

You’ve learned what works with your customers.

You’ve learned some ways to increase revenue.

Now imagine where you will be after doing this 51 more times, for a years worth of Restaurant Marketing.  How many more customers will you have?  How many more times will they visit you?  How much more revenue will you make?  How many hours less will you work?  It’s up to you!  Well done – you’re off to an awesome start!

Sign up for the 7 Day Restaurant Marketing Challenge and each day you will get a link to Secret Page with resources to help to crush your daily challenge.

Need a hand with the challenge?  Ask us on Facebook, connect up with James on Linkedin, or send us an email.

Together we can crush the 7 Day Restaurant Market Challenge and help you to start finding more customers and turning them into repeat customers.

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.

You don't want to be the best restaurant that no one has ever heard of.

There are 2 types of Restaurant Website visitor – those who know your Restaurant and those who don’t. If your website isn’t set up properly, your regular customers will find your site, but new customers will be going to your competitors down the road.

Our free 7 point audit is designed to help you understand if your website is is bringing in the new customers that your Restaurant deserves.