91 – How to use Google Analytics for your Restaurant Website II

Dark Arts Restaurant Marketing

Knowing what is going on with your website is an important ingredient in your Restaurant’s Secret Sauce.

We look at bounce rates and then we move onto the dark arts of Restaurant Marketing – campaign tagging with the Google Analytics campaign builder.  This is really important because it helps you keep your marketing accountable.

Website speed and page load time is a really important part of the SEO for your site.  This is more important for mobiles and most Restaurant customers are on mobile.  Check the speed with the Google PageSpeed Insights page.

What are the 2 types of customers who will be using Google and how do you treat each of them?

What can you discover from the Behaviour and site content pages?  There is a lot of information that you can find here and some of it is very important.

We finish with the Secret to Restaurant SEO.  This is what most SEO companies don’t want you to know, we share it with you so that you can come up with a great SEO plan to increase web traffic, increase customers, increase revenue, increase profits and then decrease the number of hours that you are working in your Restaurant.

For more information on this podcast, check out our show notes.

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We talk about our Platform, which give our customers comparative analytics, so that you can know how you are doing compared to other Restaurants.  This can be a big competitive advantage over Restaurants not getting this information.

For Free Tools  to build your Restaurant business, check out our free tools page.  We’ve helped restaurants around the world build the Restaurant that they always wanted with our tools.  Our free booking tool has taken over $25,000,000 in seats booked.

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You don't want to be the best restaurant that no one has ever heard of.

There are 2 types of Restaurant Website visitor – those who know your Restaurant and those who don’t. If your website isn’t set up properly, your regular customers will find your site, but new customers will be going to your competitors down the road.

Our free 7 point audit is designed to help you understand if your website is is bringing in the new customers that your Restaurant deserves.