A witty restaurant chalkboard ad can stop you in your tracks and choose to dine in that establishment among the many other restaurants in the area. Chances are, other passers-by will take a picture and post it on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram then it will go viral. Either way, it’s definitely a win for the restaurant to grab your attention and be reminded of their business.
Restaurant Chalkboard Ads is an important real estate inside or outside of a restaurant that can help get more walk-in customers and increase sales. These are usually announcing the special of the day, current promotions and events. Chalkboards on the sidewalk also needs some creativity to capture the attention and possibly the loyalty of customers when done right. There are some beautifully done artworks, some are witty remarks and some that are just really awesome advertisements.
The Marketing4Restaurants team have scoured the internet looking for the best restaurant chalkboard ads of the world (in the English language) that might inspire other restaurant owners and managers to let out their creativity. This is also to celebrate and congratulate the restaurants who made these chalkboard signs, they are truly remarkable. It would be wise to bookmark this page because we will be constantly updating it each time we stumble upon post-worthy chalkboard ads.
Batch 1 of the best restaurant chalkboard ads:
Presenting the first few chalkboards that caught our attention for their humor and creativity. This is just the tip of the iceberg, there are tons out there on the sidewalks, behind the glass panel, hanging on a restaurant door, all over Google, posted on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter waiting to be found by more people to go viral and reach other parts of the world. So, here you go:
Who else are you going to trust other than a chalkboard in a restaurant telling you what you are capable of doing?
Cafe Caledonia’s chalkboard definitely has a great sense of humor. This puma is probably thinking the same way, too.
Just when you taught there’s ain’t nothing colder that your ex’s heart, this restaurant chalkboard ad from Pub1842 gives you a refreshing enlightenment.
Let this chalkboard ad be your guide if you need a beer … and for honesty.
One of the hardest things in life is when your head says one thing and your heart says another. This restaurant chalkboard ad is the exact battle I fight every Tuesday.
Even Dory learns a lesson after drinking like a fish, but this chalkboard got distracted with a bottle for Fireball. Who doesn’t like a Fireball? Ok, sorry, back to Dory….
You can learn a thing or two from restaurant chalkboard ads, like this one from Urban Fairways. Cheers!
When love fades, you can count on pizza.
This chalkboard ad reminds you of the basic thing that “all day” should mean you start in the morning.
Do or do not, there is no try. Coffee drink you must. Yoda or this restaurant chalkboard ad leads … to more coffee.
Batch 2 of the best restaurant chalkboard ads:
We present the second batch of the interesting restaurant chalkboard ads we found on the street, social media and the internet in general. They make things a little more interesting with humor, sarcasm and evoke emotions that catches our attention. Here they are :
Restaurant Chalkboard that is most likely prepper-approved. It is good to know that there’s a place prepared for zombie apocalypse. It is right, why risk going anywhere else?
I can totally relate with this restaurant chalkboard. I really thought i heard pie and lattes. It reminds me to get some right now. Isn’t that genius?
How do you deal with a negative Yelp review? This restaurant resorted to promoting it on their chalkboard outside their restaurant. Passersby can see the promotion with the printed actual Yelp review.
Pro’s and Con’s of Dolcezza’s artisanal gelato presented on their chalkboard.
Hilarious Star Wars parody for coffee on a restaurant chalkboard ad. Creativity and humor at its finest. May the caffeine be with you.
Parents beware! This is a place where you really need to keep a close watch on your children unless you wanna run after a caffeine, hyper powered child. Oh yes, and you get to go home with a kitten. It’s a very cute kitten who will scratch on your new couch. You’ve been warned.
Warning: Possible last song syndrome! If you find yourself singing the song with these lyrics and can’t get it out of your head for 3 days with a craving for brie, any cheese-lover would understand.
Walking on a busy street, minding your own business… then it hits you! You fall prey to this restaurant chalkboard ad. You are now in a trance, hypnotized and will eat lots of bacon. Do you really need to be hypnotized to eat lots of bacon?? Yeah, there’s even a real bacon strip hanging to make things real.
If you weren’t there to be warned that winter is coming, this chalkboard sign from Starbucks is now helping you get the message for summer. Game of Thrones fans can surely relate to this awesome iron throne artwork.
In this chaotic and fast-paced world, stress gets to your nerves. On the other hand, desserts make us smile and feel good. Like what this restaurant chalkboard reminds us that when you are stressed, just spell it backwards and you have “desserts” just like turning that frown upside down.
Batch 3 of the best restaurant chalkboard ads:
For the third batch of our collection, we present restaurant chalkboard ads inspired by magical spirits in liquid form. Alcohol in the form of wine, beer, whisky or other liqueur is a part of our lives. It takes part in our celebrations, get-togethers, make memories happen and sometimes, it also helps us get through the hard parts of life. Here are liquid courage-inspired chalkboard ads :
It now makes sense why you shouldn’t drink coffee when it’s late and not to drink wine when it’s still early in the day. Or at least that what I was told.
This chalkboard ad from The Town Square surely loves their Jameson on the Rocks. Cheers!
We’ve got wine connoisseurs, but the wine enthusiasts seems so much more fun if we are basing it from this restaurant chalkboard ad.
Now, this explains why only one glass of wine a night is good for your health. The other glasses might cause embarrassment and sore muscles the following day.
I wanna be found if I go missing, so put my photo where my friends will see it, Forget about the milk carton, wine bottles are what my friends will have in their hands.
Is it a matter or perspective or sobriety? Yoga class or pour glass, both sounds like fun.
I never thought I’d be laughing hard at something connected to math. So, don’t drink and derive!
The Old House restaurant chalkboard ad gives the best suggestion on the age-old question on what one should do when life gives your lemons.
Soup is liquid, so it makes sense.
I don’t really drink whiskey from a shot glass, but i’m glad it helps people appreciate the small things in life, or so this chalkboard ads says …
No offense to a salad, but alcohol took part in so many great (and not so great) stories, just like this chalkboard ad says.
This is a good discussion after the previous chalkboard ad. It seems like beer may be a salad … or not!
*** Check back in a couple of days for another batch of Best Restaurant Chalkboard Ads ***
If you would like to submit ones from your restaurant, send it to us here with your caption and information about your restaurant.
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