Sun Tzu spoke about the importance of knowing your enemy, so who do you think your enemy is?
When I speak to most restaurant and take away owners they will list a couple of other restaurants and take aways in the area, but they neglect the most dangerous competitor of all, the competitor to which you lose out to on most nights and most days and that is my Cheese on Toast.
I like to get fresh white bread and put a good layer of vintage cheddar on it. Then I sprinkle some chicken salt on top and pop it under the griller for 3-4 minutes. I take it out when the crusts have just started to cook and the cheese is slightly browned. Total preparation time is about 5 minutes and the cost is less than $1.00 for 2 slices.
Now, of course, not everyone has Cheese on Toast every night, but most people eat in most nights. Your battle is not really with the Take Away down the street but with the decision to stay home (or go out to the football or some other activity). It’s cheap, it’s quick, I don’t have to worry about the kids being out late, and I can eat whatever I want.
To defeat this enemy, you need to know yourself. So, what is it that you are offering. Is it a type of cuisine? Is it fast food, convenience, fine dining, a romantic evening, a family night out, a night out away from the kitchen and the washing up, is it gluten free food. Are you cheap, exclusive, kid friendly, halal certified or gluten free? Once you have sorted that out you need to get the message out.
Luckily, Marketing4Restaurants provides you with a range of tools to get your message out. With Marketing 4 Restaurants you can run 1 day promos simply, easily and cost effectively so that you can test and measure what works for your customers and what doesn’t. Once you have sorted that out you can run that promo more often and to more customers, to increase your turnover and profit.
Short run marketing campaigns used to be expensive but with Marketing4Restaurants, you can test a different campaign every day of the week. If you ran a marketing campaign every day, if it took you less than 60 seconds each day and if it cost you nothing but time (which I just said was less than 60 seconds), how can you not increase the number of customers and your profits?
Is Poor SEO Killing Your Restaurant?
Too many times we see customers with websites that are costing restaurants thousands of dollars every month through poor design, poor messaging and poor SEO. If your website could be improved to bring in 200 extra visits per month and just 10% of those made a booking, and each booking was for 2.5 seats on average at $50 a seat, you would have an extra $2,500 in revenue a month. A 30% food cost, that is $1,750 in profit extra a month. This ignores those customers coming back as regulars – which is more profit.
Remember, if these customers aren’t finding your Restaurant, they are finding your competitors.
Get one of our obligation free 7 point website SEO audits to see what you can get your web developer to fix to increase your revenue today.