In this episode 124 – Menu Engineering For Fun and Profit we continue with our topic on menu engineering. We will talk in-depth about how you can determine your food cost for each of your menu items. Ideally, breaking down the food cost on every item on your menu to its ingredients and determining how much it would cost you to create menu items make up an effective way of menu engineering.
Customers reading your menu are most likely ready to purchase and so with effective use of menu engineering, you must drive them to purchase your most profitable menu items. Some menu items may be popular but not profitable or could be the other way around. With menu engineering, you can identify and understand the profit contribution for each of your food items.
So have fun listening to the latest podcast on menu engineering for fun and profit and grab a pen and paper so you can do some proper math on your food cost and pricing.
For more information on this podcast, check out our show notes.
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